Our Small BBQ Box is perfect for small events with friends or family!
Treat yourself to the best quality Burgers and Sausages available and make this summer a great one.
This Box contains:
- One Pack of Regular Pork Sausages
- One Pack of Pork and Apple Sausages
- One Pack of Lincolnshire Sausages
- One Pack of Regular Pork Burgers
- One Pack of Pork and Apple Burgers
- One Pack of Sun-dried Tomato and Olive Burgers
Our pork is shipped within 2-3 days of being expertly butchered and is shipped fresh - well chilled and protected - so you can enjoy the pork straight away or freeze for a later date.
All our Barbecue Boxes are delivered fresh with BBE dates listed and none has been pre-frozen so you can feel free to freeze any joints / cuts that you do not wish to use within the next few days.